Sergey Sokolovsky is author of patients of Russion Federation on treatment of diabetes (# 2136288), immune frustration (# 2194514), narcotics (# 2197250), adiposity (# 2277918) and more than 10 efficiency proposals on clinical medicine apply and psychophysiology. The author of scientific works on cognitive - behaviour therapies of alcholism, adiposity, nervous breakdowns, smoking. The participant of stress regulation method development for special contingents in conditions of military actions and the intence intellectual and psychomotor activity. Also doctor developed applied programs "preventive medicine in conditions of alcoholism, adiposity treatment ", smoking self-help programs . Doctor trained,studied, worked as assistant in Greece (1987-1988), USA (1992), Bangladesh (1991), Austria (1994) in various medical rehabilitation centers.
In 1992-1993 studied Chinese Medicine in China, province Cheyloudzian, Zsamousee and received certificate "Doctor of the Chinese Medicine", including acupuncture and massage.
In 1986 - 1991 played a role of MD General Practitioner and psyhotherapist, Chief of scientific department of sanatorium "Lenin Rocks"
In 1985 has become a Candidate of Medical Science (PhD) in Chelyabinsk Medical Institute.